5-The first sign of puberty for a boy is when their testcles and scrotum begin to develop.
-A men penis is made up of spongy tissue.
-6 out of every 10 male babies born in the US are circumcised.
-Boys get more mascular durin pubery.
-The hair in a boy's arms and legs gets darker and thicker during puberty
4-What happens if a man get's penis cancer?
-Why do men get sore from their breast during pubert?
-Why do boys have wet dreams?
-How many boys gets wet dreams?
3- circumcision
-spontaneous erections:erections that happen all by themselves, without any sexual feelings or thoughts.
-testosterone:a male harmone
2- Simile:"Girls imagine a penis as the size of a banana?"
Symbol:When boys get wet dreams is there first ejaculation.
1. This chapters were about how a man goes through puberty.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
5-Girls seem to follow the age of when their mother got her first period.
-A normal girl get's her period from 25-43 days in order to be healthy.
-Women can use tampons or pads when they get their period.
-Pads are made from layers of soft absorbent material.
-Pads are more safter than tampons.
4-What happens to a girl who doesn't get her period?
-Why do girls get cramps?
What happens if a tampon get's stuck inside of the girl?
-Can a girl die from TSS?
3-Toxic schock syndrome- when u have a tampon inside of the women, fro a long time
-dioxin;a toxi subscatnce in tampons.
2- Symbol: If you have TSS u might start with a sudden fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.
-Imagery"Another 7 billion tampons go into landfills, sewers, and waterways every year."
1-This chapters were about what a girl should be aware of when buying a pad or tampon.
-A normal girl get's her period from 25-43 days in order to be healthy.
-Women can use tampons or pads when they get their period.
-Pads are made from layers of soft absorbent material.
-Pads are more safter than tampons.
4-What happens to a girl who doesn't get her period?
-Why do girls get cramps?
What happens if a tampon get's stuck inside of the girl?
-Can a girl die from TSS?
3-Toxic schock syndrome- when u have a tampon inside of the women, fro a long time
-dioxin;a toxi subscatnce in tampons.
2- Symbol: If you have TSS u might start with a sudden fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.
-Imagery"Another 7 billion tampons go into landfills, sewers, and waterways every year."
1-This chapters were about what a girl should be aware of when buying a pad or tampon.
chapter 8
5- We have sex organs inside our body called reproductive organs.
-The cycle of ovulation and menstruation is called the menstrual cycle.
-Bones go through a puberty growth spurt and the orans do, too.
-During puberty, the vagina sheds cells more faster.
-Harmones are chemicals that travel through the bloodstream to various body organs.
4-Can a girl who hasn't gotten her period, end up pregnet?
-What happens if the female has sex a day after her period?
-Why does sperm saty alive about 4 days?
-How can a female notice whether she is pregnet or not?
3-ovum- the female reproductive cell.
-ovulation-the release of an ovum from the ovary
-estrogen:the cause of your ovaries to make another harmone.
2-Simile: "They are about as thick as a strand of spaghetti."
-Imagery:When the pregnet women has 4 months of pregnacy it can be as big ar your hand.
1-This chapters were about the hormones and organs inside a female's body and what each do.
-The cycle of ovulation and menstruation is called the menstrual cycle.
-Bones go through a puberty growth spurt and the orans do, too.
-During puberty, the vagina sheds cells more faster.
-Harmones are chemicals that travel through the bloodstream to various body organs.
4-Can a girl who hasn't gotten her period, end up pregnet?
-What happens if the female has sex a day after her period?
-Why does sperm saty alive about 4 days?
-How can a female notice whether she is pregnet or not?
3-ovum- the female reproductive cell.
-ovulation-the release of an ovum from the ovary
-estrogen:the cause of your ovaries to make another harmone.
2-Simile: "They are about as thick as a strand of spaghetti."
-Imagery:When the pregnet women has 4 months of pregnacy it can be as big ar your hand.
1-This chapters were about the hormones and organs inside a female's body and what each do.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
chapter 7
5-zits are a big problem for girls during puberty.
-Extra oil on your skin gets trapped behind black pores
-acne stars with oil glands and clogged pores.
-acne mostly strikes on our faces,necks,chsts, and our backs.
-every hair on our body has its own follicle.
4-what is acne?
-Where does acne strke the most?
-How does acne start appearing?
-what is the main ingrdient in all acne treatments?
3-acne:is the term doctors use for what we call zits,pimples,whiteheads,and blackheads.
-sebum:the oil glands on each follicle.
2-metaphor:"Acne is painful to skin.
-Simile:"White heads are as white as snow."
1-This chapter is very important to those who face acne problems.
-Extra oil on your skin gets trapped behind black pores
-acne stars with oil glands and clogged pores.
-acne mostly strikes on our faces,necks,chsts, and our backs.
-every hair on our body has its own follicle.
4-what is acne?
-Where does acne strke the most?
-How does acne start appearing?
-what is the main ingrdient in all acne treatments?
3-acne:is the term doctors use for what we call zits,pimples,whiteheads,and blackheads.
-sebum:the oil glands on each follicle.
2-metaphor:"Acne is painful to skin.
-Simile:"White heads are as white as snow."
1-This chapter is very important to those who face acne problems.
chapter 6
5-Using drugs won't get you a healthy body.
-Puberty affects our sweat and oil glands.
-women and girls hate the fact they get hair in a lot of parts.
-Bacteria that live on human skin break the sweat down, and this causes an odor.
-Mostly body oder comes from armpits.
4-What can happen to a teen that uses drugs constatntly?
-Can he/she die?
- What can happen to someone who doesn't sweat?
-How can sweating help your body?
3-perspire:to secrete a salty, watery fluid from the sweat glands of the skin
-cartridge:a cylindrical case of pasteboard
-pivoting: short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings
2-Metaphor:"A healthy body is a good body."
Imagery-Acne is a big problem a lot of teens face.
1-This chapter shows what happens when you got hrough puberty, like a different smell.
-Puberty affects our sweat and oil glands.
-women and girls hate the fact they get hair in a lot of parts.
-Bacteria that live on human skin break the sweat down, and this causes an odor.
-Mostly body oder comes from armpits.
4-What can happen to a teen that uses drugs constatntly?
-Can he/she die?
- What can happen to someone who doesn't sweat?
-How can sweating help your body?
3-perspire:to secrete a salty, watery fluid from the sweat glands of the skin
-cartridge:a cylindrical case of pasteboard
-pivoting: short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings
2-Metaphor:"A healthy body is a good body."
Imagery-Acne is a big problem a lot of teens face.
1-This chapter shows what happens when you got hrough puberty, like a different smell.
chapter 5
5-During puberty, we go through a period of extra-fast growth.
-The growth spurt usually lasts about 3 years.
-People get taller because the height spurt makes the bones in the trunk of your body and legs grow longer.
-During puberty girls need enough nutrients to support their growth.
-When you are in puberty, it is healthy to eat right and exercise.
4-Why do boys start a groth spurt later than girls?
-What happens if you have an eating disorder?
-How can doctors help prevent this?
-When do we know when we stop growing?
3-hazardous:full of risk
mesomorph:a person of the mesomorphic type
osteoporosis:a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous
2-metaphor:"...the average girl is growing..."
1-This chapter was about growth spurt.
-The growth spurt usually lasts about 3 years.
-People get taller because the height spurt makes the bones in the trunk of your body and legs grow longer.
-During puberty girls need enough nutrients to support their growth.
-When you are in puberty, it is healthy to eat right and exercise.
4-Why do boys start a groth spurt later than girls?
-What happens if you have an eating disorder?
-How can doctors help prevent this?
-When do we know when we stop growing?
3-hazardous:full of risk
mesomorph:a person of the mesomorphic type
osteoporosis:a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous
2-metaphor:"...the average girl is growing..."
1-This chapter was about growth spurt.
chapt 4
5-During puberty the urinary opening becomes larger than it was during childhood.
-The vagina starts to grow during puberty
-Sexual intercourse is the most common way of stretching or tearing the hymen.
-The anus isn't part of the vulva.
-When a female becomes sexually excited , her body produces fluids to lubricate the vagina.
4- When the hymen tears up, is the pain severe?
-How can a girl identify whether her hymen is teared up by horse riding or by doing gymnastics?
-Why isn't the anus a part of the vulva?
-What can a girl do to stop?
3-sexual arousal:being sexually excited, or turned on.
orgasm:a release of tension and excitement that builds up in a body during sexual arousal.
ejaculate:the release of a small amount of creamy fluid from the tip of the penis.
2-simile:"the vagina is like a ballon."
metaphor:"The hymen is thin during childhood."
1-This chapter explained about exual intercourse and how a female and male get when they're sexually excited.
-The vagina starts to grow during puberty
-Sexual intercourse is the most common way of stretching or tearing the hymen.
-The anus isn't part of the vulva.
-When a female becomes sexually excited , her body produces fluids to lubricate the vagina.
4- When the hymen tears up, is the pain severe?
-How can a girl identify whether her hymen is teared up by horse riding or by doing gymnastics?
-Why isn't the anus a part of the vulva?
-What can a girl do to stop?
3-sexual arousal:being sexually excited, or turned on.
orgasm:a release of tension and excitement that builds up in a body during sexual arousal.
ejaculate:the release of a small amount of creamy fluid from the tip of the penis.
2-simile:"the vagina is like a ballon."
metaphor:"The hymen is thin during childhood."
1-This chapter explained about exual intercourse and how a female and male get when they're sexually excited.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Chapt 3
5-Some girls face problems during puberty.
-It is known that African-American girls develop faster than others.
-Our mouths have usually have more germs our private parts
-The lower part of the mons divides into two folds of skin
-When a girl is young the undersides are also smooth.
4- What kind of medicine does the doctor give to a girl who hasn't started puberty?
-Do girls get over the fact their bodies change?
-Why do some girls, think it's a big deal when looking at their pricate parts?
-How can a girl know when her period is coming?
3-vulva:the external female genitalia
-hymen:A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.
-mons:a pad of fat tissue at the top of the vulva
2-metaphor:"Each person's body is a little different..."
-Symbol:Not everyone is the same
1-This chapter explained about the women's vulva.
-It is known that African-American girls develop faster than others.
-Our mouths have usually have more germs our private parts
-The lower part of the mons divides into two folds of skin
-When a girl is young the undersides are also smooth.
4- What kind of medicine does the doctor give to a girl who hasn't started puberty?
-Do girls get over the fact their bodies change?
-Why do some girls, think it's a big deal when looking at their pricate parts?
-How can a girl know when her period is coming?
3-vulva:the external female genitalia
-hymen:A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.
-mons:a pad of fat tissue at the top of the vulva
2-metaphor:"Each person's body is a little different..."
-Symbol:Not everyone is the same
1-This chapter explained about the women's vulva.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Roar 2
5-Breast are made out of fat tissue, milk glands and ducts.
-Breast come in all different sizes
-Some girls get really freaked out when they are in puberty.
-Family background has a lot to do with when you start to develop.
-Some girls develop faster than others.
4- Can girls younger than 20, get breast cancer?
-Do girls fallow more their mother's genes or father's genes?
-What is the normal age for a girl to start developing?
-What can a girl do so her breast can stop hurting?
3-fallopian:tubes in a girl's body
prone:having a natural inclination or tendency to something
pituitary:the extract obtained from the lobes of the pituitary glands
2.Simile:"Large breast can result like carrying 2 big watermelons."
Symbol-"Getting pubic hair is the first sign of puberty"
1. This part of the book was about the development of breast.
-Breast come in all different sizes
-Some girls get really freaked out when they are in puberty.
-Family background has a lot to do with when you start to develop.
-Some girls develop faster than others.
4- Can girls younger than 20, get breast cancer?
-Do girls fallow more their mother's genes or father's genes?
-What is the normal age for a girl to start developing?
-What can a girl do so her breast can stop hurting?
3-fallopian:tubes in a girl's body
prone:having a natural inclination or tendency to something
pituitary:the extract obtained from the lobes of the pituitary glands
2.Simile:"Large breast can result like carrying 2 big watermelons."
Symbol-"Getting pubic hair is the first sign of puberty"
1. This part of the book was about the development of breast.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Puberty Chapters 1,2,3
5- When girls go through puberty, they go throught a growth spurt.
-The penis is made out of tissue.
-Sex organs have many nerve endings.
-Sperm can stay alive inside the female body up to five days.
-A women's body changes during the months of pregnancy
4- What happens if sperm stays alive in a female's body?
Could she still get pregnet?
-How do boys get when they reach puberty?
-How can a girl find out when she's going to ahve her period?
3.pliable:easily bent; flexible; supple
-ejaculate:to eject
2-Simile:"Normally the vagina is like a balloon that hasn't been blown up."
Metaphor:The vagina is collapsed with its inner walls..."
1- This chapters were about the starts in puberty.
-The penis is made out of tissue.
-Sex organs have many nerve endings.
-Sperm can stay alive inside the female body up to five days.
-A women's body changes during the months of pregnancy
4- What happens if sperm stays alive in a female's body?
Could she still get pregnet?
-How do boys get when they reach puberty?
-How can a girl find out when she's going to ahve her period?
3.pliable:easily bent; flexible; supple
-ejaculate:to eject
2-Simile:"Normally the vagina is like a balloon that hasn't been blown up."
Metaphor:The vagina is collapsed with its inner walls..."
1- This chapters were about the starts in puberty.
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